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When you look at them from a 1,000-foot glance, Sounding Fathers might be defined by something other than their music.  Yes, the Fargo trio are dads.  Yes, they are all 40-something.  You will quickly come to realize that any preconceived notions are not entirely accurate.  Eric Bailly, Chris Heaton, and Tim Ortez have managed to create a type of music that is wholly their own.  Sounding Fathers goes for the jugular with a sonic wall of sound blending indie and good old-fashioned rock and roll.  Sounding Fathers are definitely not your father’s rock band!


Nolan Schmidt

Excerpted from Fargo Monthly, December 2020

Behind the Band
(Band member bios coming soon!)

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Eric Bailly
Guitars, Bass, Vocals

Tim Ortez
Bass, Guitars, Vocals

Chris Heaton
Drums, Vocals

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